Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sweatshops In Jordan

Sweatshops are businesses that has been booming in Jordan. This country has been exporting products to America for the past 20 years. Last year Jordan exported $1.2 billion to the United States. Some franchises in America that have set up shop in Jordan are Target, Wal - Mart and other American retailers. Many of these sweatshops are now complaining of dismal conditions. Workers said that they worked up to 20 hours a day, didn't get paid for months and were hit by supervisors and put in jail if they complained. Majority of workers in Jordan are from Bangladesh and China. Workers from Bangladesh said they paid $1,000 to $3,000 to work in Jordan but when they arrived, their passports were confiscated. This took away their ability to leave, keeping them to jobs that pay less than promised and less than the country's minimum wage. Nargis Akhter, a 25 year old Bangladeshi said "we used to start at 8 in the morning, and we'd work until midnight, 1 or 2 a.m, seven days a week." He also said "when we were in Bangladesh they promised us we would receive $120 a month, but in the five months I was there I only got one month's salary and that was just $50." The National Labor Committee found substandard conditions in more than 25 of about 100 garment factories and is set to release its reports.

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