The Victoria's Secret workers work 14 to 15 hours a day, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 or 10:00 p.m, seven days a week, receiving on average one day off every three or four months. All overtime is mandatory, and workers are normally at the factory 98 to 105 hours a week. If that’s not bad enough managers and supervisors scream at the foreign guest workers to move faster to complete their high production goals.Workers who do not meet their production goals or make minor errors can be slapped and beaten. Besides being forced to work five or more overtime hours a day, the workers are constantly shortchanged on their legal overtime pay. Workers can get cheated up to $18.48 each week in wages due them. Although this might not seem like a lot of money, to these poor workers it is the equivalent to losing three regular days of wages each week. These workers are only given 3.3 minutes to sew a $14 Victoria’s Secret bikini while they are only paid four cents. The employees at Victoria’s Secret receive less than 3 percent of the retail price of the merchandise. Management arrested six workers who protested against them. A strike was later formed and management threatened workers to be deported back to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. If these workers are deported they will never be able to pay off their debts which can ruin their lives in their country.